Platform rules

Publication Date
Reading Time
9 min to read

1. General 

1.1. These rules ("Rules") govern the relationship between (hereinafter "Website", "Site", "Service") and any visitor and registered user ("User"), and are also legally binding and are not subject to discussion by the Users.
By visiting our site, you agree to these Rules. If you do not agree with the obligations, do not use the Site.

If you would like to know how We process your personal data, please see our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

1.2. Site ("Service") is a link exchange that connects the advertiser and the owner of the site (information sites, media, blogs, publishing houses, portals) for posting content in the form of press releases, guest posts, and other advertising materials.

The service acts as a platform that provides registration of Participants, mutual settlements between them, guarantees of publication, support for users of the service and other information services.

1.3. Advertiser (Customer) – a registered user of the service who places an order for the publication of advertising materials on web resources.
1.4. Webmaster the owner of an information web resource that offers to place an advertorial publication of the Advertiser on publication of the Advertiser on it.

2. Registering an account on the Service

2.1. In order to use the full functionality of the Service, as well as to ensure the smooth and efficient provision of services, visitors are invited to fill in the registration form, in which they should specify their name, e-mail address, phone number and password. Registration is available for natural persons who have reached the age of majority.

2.2. To delete your account on the Service, you should write to our support team at [email protected]. After deleting your account you can register a new one and use it on the Service.

2.3. The Service is not responsible in cases if the User has leaked access to personal account and did not notify the support service about it.

3. Currencies and account balance

All financial operations in Links-Stream service from 15.05.2023 are switched to one currency - dollar. Deposits and withdrawals in other currencies are possible, but they will be converted according to the exchange rate at the time of withdrawal (deposit).

3.2 Funds are credited to your account balance using third-party payment systems depending on the selected currency during registration. The Service guarantees prompt crediting of funds to the balance, as well as the correct display of the actual amount on the account, including the history of transactions on the account balance.

3.3 Withdrawal of funds from the account is possible after confirming the e-mail address and sending a corresponding request to the support service with indication of the reason for withdrawal. Funds are paid out to the payment system from which the deposit was made to avoid fraudulent operations for the purpose of exchanging electronic money or cashing out the funds received on the account of an individual entrepreneur.

3.4 The maximum term of application consideration is 5 working days. In case of a favourable decision of the support service, the withdrawal of funds is subject to the commission of the corresponding payment system to which the transfer is made. The Service reserves the right to refuse to withdraw funds from the user due to incorrect treatment, use of foul language, violation of these Service Rules.

4. Registration and closing of an order on the Service

4.1. Rules for Webmasters

4.1.1 The Webmaster submits for consideration by the Service administration the sites he/she owns, as well as the conditions for placing advertising content (including the cost of publication and the terms of placement). The Administration of the Service manually checks all proposals and places them in the catalogue available to Advertisers. In case of non-compliance of the online resource, we will send the Webmaster a reasoned refusal with justification. Once the discrepancies have been rectified, the online resource can be resubmitted for consideration.

4.1.2 The Service does not accept such types of online resources for advertising content placement:

- phishing resources, the purpose of creation of which is to illegally obtain user data (such as account password, payment data of a card or other electronic payment systems);

- any sites or pages of sites that substitute content to harm users;

- resources that illegally debit users' mobile accounts after entering their mobile phones;

- any sites-dorways, the purpose of which is to collect traffic without providing useful unique content to users;

- web resources that distribute malware and viruses;

- sites in the .ru, .rf, .by, .bel, .su and derived (regional) domain zones

5. Guarantees of the Service

5.1 Users of the Service, who have registered on the site, shall be responsible for their own compliance with the laws applicable to them, as well as any tax obligations, if any.

5.2 The Service does not regulate the cost of placements offered by Webmasters. The Advertiser is aware that it agrees with the Webmaster's price on the Service and voluntarily transfers funds to him from its account balance.

5.3 The Service does not guarantee that users provide their real data (including name) when registering.

5.4 The Customer understands and agrees that in case of content removal due to violation of the law, the company is not responsible for possible losses or damages incurred by the Customer. Such situations are not considered as warranty cases, as the company has no control over the actions of national authorities and their decisions.

5.5 If the administration of the Service becomes aware of violations of the rights or obligations of the user, he/she will be immediately notified by e-mail.

6. User registration on the Service means that:

  • you intend to use the Service within the framework of the rules specified herein and undertake not to violate them;
  • when registering on the Service, you have provided accurate information about yourself and do not mislead other users.
  • in case of change of data about you you will enter them in your account;
  • you will maintain respectful communication with other users of the Service, as well as with the support service;
  • you will not interfere with the uninterrupted operation of the Service, including interfering with software, source code or the like;
  • you will not share your account information with third parties and you will not expose your account to the risk of improper withdrawal of funds or payment for services that you did not order;
  • you will not claim or infringe the intellectual property rights of the Service, copy individual copies of Service content, or keep cached copies longer than may be permitted;
  • you fund your account on the Service with funds obtained by lawful means, and all of your activities on the Service (including ordering advertising content and providing online resources) are lawful and not contrary to international law.

7. Stages of work on the Service

7.1 The advertiser selects the offers of the Platforms according to the given criteria for his projects and adds them to the basket, then specifies the requirements for publication, tops up the balance and pays the full cost of placements. After that the tasks are sent to the webmasters.

7.2 The webmaster reserves the right to refuse to place the customer's advertising content if it does not meet the rules of the service and the requirements specified in the webmaster's offer.

7.3 The order is discussed through correspondence with the project manager. If the advertiser's order meets the terms of the webmaster's offer, the webmaster publishes the content and provides a service report (link to the publication) to the customer. The advertiser cannot make changes to the order after it has been sent to work, otherwise he should contact the support service or the project manager.

7.4 The Advertiser is not obliged to top up the account balance to view online resources on the Exchange, but the Advertiser's balance must be topped up before the moment of sending the task.

7.5 The order is considered completed if: Advertiser has approved the content placement report received from Webmaster; within 72 hours after the report is automatically submitted. 

7.6 The advertising publication placed by the Webmaster must be available for indexing by any search engine, as well as for visitors to the online resource.

7.7 The Advertiser must accept the report within 72 hours after the Webmaster has placed the advertising publication. Otherwise, the Webmaster has the right to open an Arbitration dispute 48 hours after the publication has been sent for review, or after 72 hours the order will go to the status Fulfilled automatically.

8. Topics of online resources, which are prohibited to post on the Service:

  • explosive substances and materials (exception - pyrotechnics)
  • sale of counterfeit goods
  • residence registration and document forgery services
  • customised diploma writing
  • sale of copies (replicas) of original goods
  • online medical consultations with diagnosis
  • pregnancy termination services
  • modified water, electricity, and gas meters, as well as meter twisting, and meter magnets.
  • Narcotic and psychotropic substances and their precursors
  • online prostitution and escort services
  • sale of psychotropic and other substances available in pharmacies on prescription
  • betting and bookmaking shops without licences
  • pyramid schemes
  • weapons of all kinds
  • Forgery, production or sale of forged documents, stamps, seals, letterheads
  • political advertising
  • Materials defaming the reputation of a person, company, product, service, phenomenon
  • Acquisition or sale of official documents and state honours
  • software and services for spoofing phone numbers for outgoing calls and SMSs
  • advertisements of magical services promising to cause harm (spoiling) or benefit (hexing)
  • advertisements related to tragic events, shocking content
  • mileage adjustment of vehicles
  • goods and services subject to certification/licensing in the absence of necessary certificates/licences;
  • advertising of gambling, if there is a prohibition in the legislation of the country of placement
  • goods and services, the production or realisation of which is prohibited or restricted by the legislation of the country of placement (illegal activities)

If the administration of the Service becomes aware of agreements between the Advertiser and the Webmaster on the placement of content on sites with prohibited topics, the administration reserves the right to terminate such agreements and return the funds to the balance of the Advertiser. In case of repeated violation or lack of response from the Parties within 7 days, funds on the balance of the Advertiser may be blocked without refund, and accounts may be disabled.

9. Arbitration and support of the Service participants

9.1 In case the users of the Service need assistance in using the functionality of the online resource, they can always contact the support service at [email protected]

9.2 In case of disagreements regarding the order between the Advertiser and the Webmaster, either party may apply to Arbitration to resolve the dispute. The Administration of the Service will contact each party to the dispute, analyse the correspondence between users on the Service and make a decision based on the Rules and other documents governing the conduct on the Service. During the proceedings, funds on the Webmaster's balance may be blocked for withdrawal and subsequently withdrawn in favour of the Advertiser.

10. Service commissions

10.1 The Service takes a commission from the Advertiser when paying an order to the Webmaster. Please note that there may be a commission of the relevant payment system, through which mutual settlements are made. 

10.2 Changes in the amount of commissions of the Service are made only after notifying all users of the Service 7 days before the changes take effect and apply only to new order payments.

More detailed information about the amount of commissions, methods of withdrawal is specified in our Payment Policy.

10.3 Dormant Account

If there have been no transactions on the account balance for 365 days, e.g:

  • top-up
  • withdrawal
  • affiliate programme earnings
  • and other transactions indicating the account activity,

then on the 366th day the account is assigned the status of "Hibernating User" and Links-Stream administration charges for the maintenance of the hibernating account.

A $2 per day fee is charged for dormant account maintenance.

If the account is not reactivated within 60 days (no balance movements except for account maintenance fees), the balance will be reset to zero.

11. Obligations of Users to the Service

11.1 By registering on the site, Users automatically undertake to refuse any interaction with other Users outside the system. Types of prohibited interaction:

  • sending their contact details in correspondence to other Users
  • offer to co-operate outside the Service
  • consent to similar actions specified above from other Users

11.2 If the User receives offers of cooperation outside the Service, he/she is obliged to inform the support service about it within 24 hours in order to avoid account blocking. The Service guarantees anonymity of such messages.

12. Penalties of the Service in relation to Users

12.1 If the User has any doubts as to whether he/she violates the rules of the Service, he/she can always contact the support service and promptly receive an answer. Please note that the use of abusive language or insults to the support staff will result in the unilateral closure of the dialogue. In case of systematic incorrect treatment of the User with the employees of the Service, the administration may decide to refuse service to this User and reserves the right to block access to the account.

13. Disclaimer

13.1 The Service is provided on an "as is" basis. You use the Service at your own risk. We cannot guarantee its uninterrupted or safe operation.

13.2 The Administration of the Service is not responsible for any damage caused to the User by the placement of advertising content. 

14. Intellectual property of the Service

14.1 If you believe that the content used on the Service may or does infringe your intellectual property rights, please contact our support service.

14.2 The Service reserves the right to remove any User content if it believes that it violates the rules of applicable law or these Rules.

15. Dispute resolution

15.1 Any disputable situations can be solved through negotiations with the support service.

15.2 If you believe that the situation should be considered in the legal field, contact the support service to obtain the details of an authorised representative of the Service. The rules of the Service are based on the current legislation of the country for which the services are ordered

16. Termination of co-operation

16.1 The Service has the right to unilaterally terminate co-operation with the Advertiser in case of violation of the current Rules.

16.2 In case of cancellation of co-operation the Advertiser can withdraw the remaining funds from his balance. In some cases, the withdrawal of funds from the balance may be refused (for example, incorrect treatment of the support service using foul language, threats of physical or any other impact, repeated violation of the rules of the service).

17. Additional provisions of the Rules

17.1 These Rules are the most comprehensive document reflecting all aspects of the relationship between the Service and the User.

17.2 Changes in these Rules will be sent to all Users in the form of an e-mail to the e-mail address specified during registration, 7 days before the changes come into force. By accessing the Service after 7 days from the date of notification Users automatically agree with them.

17.3 In case the Service is not able to temporarily comply with individual clauses of the Rules, it is not a reason to assume that the Service avoids compliance with them.

If you still have any questions regarding the Rules of the Service, write to us at [email protected].