09.07.2020, Admin

How to Get Natural Backlinks

To increase the ranking and online visibility of a site, obtaining backlinks is mandatory. Assuming that the site’s content is great, many people will find it useful and worthy of being shared. Thus, eventually, the site will get links on different websites. These links are commonly referred to as organic links.

Contrastingly, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques aim at getting links in a more ‘artificial' way. Thus, it seems a little bit of a contradiction to think of how to get natural backlinks. In principle, these links are earned because of the good quality of the content.

Unfortunately, even the most awesome content may never be found by the pertinent audience without an SEO boost. It is generally accepted that the links that you pursue through SEO techniques are not natural. And natural links are always preferred. But the truth is that your site may never improve its ranking with natural links only. Competition for the top places in search lists is fierce.

Many SEO experts agree that natural backlinks are much better because they provide additional sources of information to the reader. Moreover, these links are commonly embedded in an anchor. Thus, they are an integrated part of the content that gives the link.

Thus, it would be interesting to pursue links that have the characteristics of natural ones. If you look for the characteristics of natural links, it is probably worthwhile getting links using some SEO techniques. Hence, below you will find some ideas of how to build backlinks naturally. Read them carefully. Who knows? Maybe some of those link building methods will be good for your website.

Different Techniques to Encourage Natural Backlinks

As has been said before, probably using these SEO techniques you will not be creating natural links. However, the links created in this way resemble very much the natural ones. So, consider applying the following methods.

Do not ask for links directly. Instead, offer to add value to the existing content of a blog or any other site. If you identify someone interested in your online content, you must reach out to them. Establish contact with the interested person and talk about placing a link to your web resources as a reference on their site. If your content adds value to them, rest assured you will get the link. Being a real source of information for the pertinent readers, the link you get will look very natural. Instead of creating awesome content and wait for someone to notice and refer it, you promote it. This is valid.

Write content for the people that may be interested in sharing it. Identify the sites that have already linked to your web resources and see what topics they would like to see. Then, create good and novel content that they will likely link to. For instance, you can create a blog with the latest news of your industry, for example. As in the previous case, the links you get with this method are indisputably natural.

You can also identify what are the hot topics in your niche and which sites may be interested in linking to them. Check what your competitors are writing and then create better content. However, if you do not get links, you must talk directly to the webmasters of the relevant sites. Direct their attention to your newly created content and explain it improves on previous posts from others.

Consider collaborating with influencers in your niche. Contact the people that are making disruptive contributions in your industry and create collaboration ties. For example, some companies have a section in which they feature news and reviews about their products or services. Thus, you can offer to write some content for that section. If they like the idea, you will have a fruitful collaboration that benefits both parties.

"What about quality backlinks?
We place articles and press releases with links in thematic blogs and other media"

Interviewing influencers works very well to create content that will be linked by many sites. Before doing the interview you must do some research to get acquainted with the topic. Try to interview several influencers and get their opinions on a specific topic. Most likely than not, the interview will be linked by the influencers you got involved in it. This approach benefits everyone. The influencers get more exposure to the audience, and you get links for your site. Not just any links but natural links.

If you are looking for hot topics to write about, consult some Q&A sites like Quora:

  • You should identify the topics that people are interested in.
  • Then, you write something related to those topics.
  • Rest assured your content will likely be linked to.

Most people that ask how to create natural backlinks should use this method first. Finding the right topics is crucial for getting natural links. Another advantage of visiting this type of site (Q&A) is that you can meet some influencers to collaborate with.

To get natural links you have to create content in many different forms. You have to be very creative and use all the possible resources to convey your information. Create infographics, for example.

Now that the infographics were mentioned, it is worthwhile considering the creation of more visual content for your site. Videos and infographics are essential to attract interested people to your online resources. In this audience, there will be several webmasters eager to share your visual content. Thus, do not spare any effort to craft the best visual content out there. If you do not have the skills to do these tasks yourself, hire a graphic designer. The investment will pay off.

Use social media and other diffusion channels to let your audience know about your great content. Do not rely on emails only. Your email could simply be ignored. This is why you need to inform the relevant audience about your content using other channels. Check what the trending topics concerning your industry on Twitter. The conversations will provide very valuable information. Some of these conversations will give away the topics that most are interested in. Use this information to create targeted content.

Use social media channels to ask your contacts to share your content. Do not simply post information or tweet, but also encourage others to share the content. Avoid spamming people that may not be interested in your content though. Be selective and share your posts with people interested in the information you generate.

Be persistent. The techniques described above are guaranteed to work. However, there is no guarantee they will work on the first attempt. You have to use them constantly and apply them again and again. Do not be discouraged if you do not get results immediately. Most benefits come after a long time of trying. Remember, many factors have to be in perfect harmony: topic, audience, form, and channel.

These are some good ideas on how to make your backlinks look natural. In most cases, however, the links you get with these methods are natural. Or at least they have all the characteristics of natural links. Combine these natural link strategies with SEO methods to increase the visibility of your site. Diversifying is the key. Even though natural links are the most valuable, the competition is so fierce that SEO tactics are acceptable. Good luck with this endeavor!