15.06.2020, Admin

What is reputation marketing

Reputation marketing is crucial for every company. Even though many people still mistake reputation marketing with reputation management, these things are different. While the first one deals with building a positive reputation, the second is about recovering reputation after some negative feedback.

Thus, what is reputation marketing and how can you manage it?

Let us suppose you have a company. This company is managing everything quite successfully, and the number of happy customers is growing. You might want to move your business to a higher level. If until now, you have never asked your customers to leave positive feedback for your business, it might be the best time to do so now.

How to Create a Reputation?

Now, when you know what is online reputation marketing, it is time to check how to build your reputation in marketing. Let us start with an example.

Type in the browser the name of the niche in which you work. Check what companies rank at the top. Now, check whether they have some common features.

Reviews on the Company`s Website

After a short research, you will discover that they might have different approaches, but one thing is common to all of them: reviews. All those sites will have reviews provided by their clients. The reasons are simple: even a small positive note about the service written supposedly by some Mr. Twist makes visitors believe that the company is good indeed. It works even in the case if nobody can check whether that Mr. Twist is a real person and his review is not fake.

Thus, building your reputation is to some extent asking your clients for reviews. Normally, there is a special place on the website provided for this purpose.

Many companies use this way to create a fake reputation. They publish reviews written by themselves or other interested persons. This is one of the reasons why having reviews on your website only is not enough to win the trust of your potential customers.

Reviews on Trusted Resources

Not everybody trusts the reviews that your customers leave on your websites. That’s why it is important to ask your clients to leave their positive feedback on other resources. Ignoring this method is risky. The problem is that most people leave a review for a company if they are angry or upset. If your clients are happy, they are silent. That’s why there might be a bad disbalance between positive and negative feedback which is not even though your company might be fine.

To avoid this disbalance, it is recommended to ask actively every customer to share his/her experience on one of the external resources.

If your company was reviewed negatively, don`t ignore it. Do your best to resolve the conflict. If the customer is not right, make everything to prove that it was not your fault. And in any case, do your best to resolve any conflict openly and amicably. Then, those negative reviews might also serve you to improve your reputations and boost the ranking of your online resource.

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Reviews from Customers

There are reputable third-party resources that are used by many people around the world. It is highly recommended to have at least a couple of reviews there. Thus, don’t hesitate to remind your clients unintrusively that it would be great if they can evaluate your business on Trustpilot, Google Business Reviews, or similar. Don’t forget to attach the link, otherwise, your happy customer might find leaving a review too troublesome.

Reviews from Employees

Yes, you understand it correctly. The meaning reputation market isn’t limited to customer feedback only. If your employees let the world know that your business is good to work for, it will boost your reputation. There are special resources, Glassdoor is one of them. It is always good for any company to have feedback online from their employees.

Go Social

Social networks are important for the majority of the population. Communicate with people there, share interesting and informative posts. Don’t concentrate on your brand only. Your profile shall be interesting, not dry and boring. Your content shall be inspirational, interesting, and call to people. Don’t forget to reply to all comments that your posts receive.

Pay Attention to SEO

SEO means a lot to any business that counts on presence online. In your case, SEO means paying attention to several factors:

  • Every page title shall be accurate and unique. Make them concise, so that both a customer and a search engine understand clearly what it is about;
  • Simplify and optimize your URLs;
  • Create quality content for your website.

Your Website Shall Be Pleasant to Surfe

Your website is the face of your business. There are several details you shall do if you want to provide the best experience to both your customers and search engines:

Optimize it for use on mobile devices. Statistics show that around 60% of your users will not appreciate it if they cannot access your site from a mobile.

Your site shall have a quick loading speed. If your site loads more than three seconds, it is too slow, you need to do something about it immediately. Most users will not wait longer but instead, they might switch to the next option which might be a resource of one of your competitors. One more reason to make your site load fast is its ranking in search. Google considers loading speed for ranking because it influences the user experience.

Invite your visitors to act but don’t be too pushy. Too many calls to action might be perceived as pushy and even arrogant. While non-intrusive suggestions to subscribe, to register, and so on, might motivate a visitor to do so.

Use Every Opportunity

Don’t limit yourself by the mentioned options only. A good blog not only builds reputation but helps to keep customers and interested people updated about your last news. Photo albums help to personalize the site and create a closer relationship with users. Great video with captions is always a reliable way to impress people and attract their attention to your products.